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New Collections E-Booklet

Combining artistry and innovation, our new collections encompass cutting-edge contemporary design, crafted with exquisite materials and masterful weaving techniques.

Discover exciting new arrivals to our contemporary collection ranging from bold graphic rugs, designed to make an impact, to sumptuously soft textures, perfect for cosying up in the colder months.

Modern Swirl

Our company's innovative spirit is echoed throughout our in-house collections and this season our talented design studio has experimented with new techniques, expanding the range to incorporate new organic designs, as well as contemporary Ikats and art-inspired rugs.

Rose Quartz
Echo Gold

We continue to pave the way with our progressive collaborations, and this year we have coupled up with trailblazers in their field, including glass artist Dale Chihuly and designers Kelly Wearstler, Paul Smith, David Rockwell, Kelly Behun and Nicole Fuller, to name a few. Each rug encapsulates the designers unique vision, which is masterfully transposed from initial idea, to final design by our expert team.

Domus Grey

Our rugs and unique qualities continue to adorn some of the finest private and public spaces, some of which we have showcased in this booklet to inspire you. We are not afraid of a challenge and our team of design experts is on hand for any of your design needs or projects, so no matter how complex your requirements, we have got you covered.

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